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Data field names and formats

This topic describes the data field names and formats supported by NLG Apps and Arria Answers.

For app-specific data requirements — such as minimum and maximum number of dimensions and measures — see the NLG Apps Directory.



A measure* is a field containing measurable, quantitative values that can be used in calculations (e.g. Sales and Profit).

*The Arria visualization categorizes MicroStrategy metrics as measures.

There are no restrictions on field names for measures. The aggregation type and data format requirements are:

  • Measures must be numeric and have one of the following aggregation types: Sum, Average, Minimum, Maximum, or Count*.

  • Not all aggregation and entity type combinations are supported by every app. See the NLG Apps Directory for app-specific guidance.

  • Decimal separators must be periods; thousand separators, if used, must be commas.

*Arria Answers does not support measures aggregated by Count. See Query types for guidance on which aggregation types are required by each type of query.



A dimension* is a field containing non-measurable, qualitative values (e.g. Country, Product, and Date). Dimensions can be used to categorize measures and provide context to your data.

A time dimension is a dimension field that contains whole date, year, quarter, month, or day values, only. Time dimensions can be used to perform analysis over time or to categorize your data.

A dimension instance is a unique value in a dimension field. For example, Scotland may be an instance of the Country dimension and February may be an instance of the Month time dimension.

*The Arria visualization categorizes MicroStrategy attributes as dimensions.

With the exception of time dimensions, there are no restrictions on the field names and data formats for dimensions.

The restrictions on time dimensions are described below. When data fields follow these conventions, Arria for MicroStrategy automatically recognizes them as time dimensions and changes their entity type to DateTime. You can also set the entity type manually in Step 2 of the wizard.

The following time dimensions are supported:

Supported field names

Date fields must be named as follows:

Naming Rule

Example Field Names


date, Date, DATE, Sales_Date, SALE DateTime

The asterisks (*) are wildcards that represent one or more characters, including letters, spaces, hyphens, and underscores. These rules are case-insensitive.


You can use the Alias field in the NLG Apps wizard and Arria Answers wizard to override field names.


Supported data formats

Date values must be in one of the following formats:


Example Values









If your Date field is not in a supported format, do the following:

  1. In MicroStrategy, go to the Datasets panel.

  2. Right-click your Date attribute, go to Data Type, and select the Date option from the dropdown field.

  3. Click OK. A new date attribute is created (Date 1).

  4. Right-click the new date attribute, go to Number Format, select Custom from the dropdown field, and enter dd/mm/yyyy (or another supported format) in the last, blank field.

  5. Click OK. Now use the new date attribute with the Arria for MicroStrategy visualization.



Supported field names

Year fields must be named as follows:

Naming Rule

Example Field Names


y or Y


yr, YR, Yr_Name, YR of Sales


year, YEAR, Year_Name, Year of Sales

The asterisks (*) are wildcards that represent one or more characters, including letters, spaces, hyphens, and underscores. These rules are case-insensitive.


You can use the Alias field in the NLG Apps wizard and Arria Answers wizard to override field names.


The Arria visualization recognizes the MicroStrategy Date (Year) time attribute field as a year field.


Supported data formats

Year values must be a two-digit or four-digit number (e.g. 22 or 2022).



Supported field names

Quarter fields must be named as follows:

Naming Rule

Example Field Names


q or Q


qt, QT, Qt_Name, target qt


qtr, QTR, Qtr_Name, target qtr


quarter, QUARTER, Quarter_Name, target quarter

The asterisks (*) are wildcards that represent one or more characters, including letters, spaces, hyphens, and underscores. These rules are case-insensitive.


You can use the Alias field in the NLG Apps wizard and Arria Answers wizard to override field names.


The Arria visualization recognizes the MicroStrategy Date (Quarter) time attribute field as a quarter field.


Supported data formats

Quarter values can be in alphanumeric or numeric form:


Example Alphanumeric Values

Example Numeric Values

Quarter 1

Q1, Qt 1, Qtr1, Quarter 1

01, 1

Quarter 2

Q2, Qt 2, Qtr2, Quarter 2

02, 2

Quarter 3

Q3, Qt 3, Qtr3, Quarter 3

03, 3

Quarter 4

Q4, Qt 4, Qtr4, Quarter 4

04, 4

Any combination of the strings Q, Qt, Qtr, and Quarter followed by a number — with or without spaces — is acceptable, so Q4 and Q 4 are equally valid. Also, any mixture of cases is acceptable, so qtr1 and QTR1 are valid alternatives to Qtr1.



Supported field names

Month fields must be named as follows:

Naming Rule

Example Field Names


m or M


mon, MON, Mon_Name, payment mon


mth, MTH, Mth_Name, payment mth


month, MONTH, Month_Name, payment month

The asterisks (*) are wildcards that represent one or more characters, including letters, spaces, hyphens, and underscores. These rules are case-insensitive.


You can use the Alias field in the NLG Apps wizard and Arria Answers wizard to override field names.


The Arria visualization recognizes the MicroStrategy Date (Month) time attribute field as a month field.


Supported data formats

Month values can be in text or numeric form:


Example Text Values

Example Numeric Values


January, Jan

01, 1


February, Feb

02, 2


March, Mar

03, 3


April, Apr

04, 4



05, 5


June, Jun

06, 6


July, Jul

07, 7


August, Aug

08, 8


September, Sep

09, 9


October, Oct



November, Nov



December, Dec


This requirement is case-insensitive, so "JAN", "JAn" and "jan" are valid alternatives to "Jan".



Supported field names

Day fields must be named as follows:

Naming Rule

Example Values


d or D


day, Day, DAY, day_NAME, Day Name

The asterisks (*) are wildcards that represent one or more characters, including letters, spaces, hyphens, and underscores. These rules are case-insensitive.


You can use the Alias field in the NLG Apps wizard and Arria Answers wizard to override field names.


Supported data formats

Day values must be a one-digit or two-digit number (e.g. 5 or 05). Ordinal numbers (e.g. 5th) are not supported.

